Asha Geriatric Clinic
Geriatric psychiatry, also known as geropsychiatry, psychogeriatrics or psychiatry of old age, is a branch of medicine and a subspecialty of psychiatry dealing with the study, prevention, and treatment of neurodegenerative, cognitive impairment, and mental disorders in people of old age. Lifespan of people across the country is increasing.
The percentage of people of age 60 years is expected to increase from 8% in 2015 to 19% in 2050.
With increasing age there is an increase in rates of age-related diseases. The old-age population has the burden of many chronic medical ailments like diabetes hypertension rheumatism, coronary heart disease, cancer, Parkinson’s disease and stroke, etc.
This can lead to an immense psychological and financial burden on individuals and families and make them more vulnerable to various mental illnesses.
Mental illness and old age-related neuropsychiatric disorders are major concerns as far as the quality of life of the elderly and ageing with comfort and dignity is concerned.

The most common psychiatric illnesses in the elderly population are:
- Depression & Anxiety disorders.
- Late onset psychosis & mood Disorders.
- DEMENTIA or Neurocognitive disorders such as
1. Alzheimer’s disease
2. Vascular and mixed dementias
3. Frontotemporal Dementia
4. Lewy body dementia - Parkinson’s disease and its psychological manifestations.
- Other neuropsychiatric disorders and neurodegenerative disorders.
- Organic brain diseases.
- Neuropsychiatric complications from stroke and multiple sclerosis.
“ASHA GERITRIC PSYCHIATRIC CLINIC” is a specially dedicated unit for elderly patients (age above 55years) with the above possible conditions. Considering the changing body physiology and metabolic changes with age and comorbid medical conditions elderly patients need a comprehensive, detailed and dedicated assessment as per the specific needs. Our dedicated team has trained and experienced Geriatric Psychiatrists and Psycologist.
Asha hospital Geriatric psychiatry unit provides Comprehensive, Diagnostic and Therapeutic services for both inpatient and outpatient basis, for patients of age 55 years and above with a range of psychological-emotional behavioural and cognitive problems.
1) Outpatient services include :
• Detailed psychiatric evaluation by a trained and experienced psychiatrist
• Detailed memory and cognitive assessment
• Neuropsychiatric assessment
• Pharmacological management
• Psychotherapy and counselling
• Psychoeducation and counselling of caretakers
• Cognitive enhancement and memory exercises
• Biofeedback and rTMS
2) Inpatient services :
- Fully equipped and specifically designed inpatient ward based on the needs of old age patients managed 24/7 by trained psychiatrists & nursing staff.
- High dependency unit for patients with both high medical and high psychiatric needs. Inpatient based detailed neuropsychological assessment
memory & cognitive assessment. - Psychotherapy and counselling
- Psychoeducation and counselling of caretakers.
- Counselling about long term care of geriatric patients.
3) Daycare services for persons living with dementia :
Asha hospital runs a dementia daycare centre in collaboration with ARDSI Hyderabad Deccan Chapter. Offering services such as:
- Person centerered care plan
- Cognitive stimulating activities
- Functional rehabilitation (activities of daily living)
- Physiotherapy
- Speech therapy
- Theme based knowledge sharing/training
- Monthly support-groups for caretakers, specifically attempting to reduce caregiver burden through theme-based interactive discussion, knowledge sharing sessions and expert guidance.
4) Golden Oak :
Home for Elders with Special Needs” is an assisted living centre for elders with dementia and other psychiatric needs. Long term facility care and rehabilitation for dementia and other psychiatric illness where resident clients are provided specific need-based psychological and behavioural therapies including pharmacological management by psychiatrists and neuro physicians.
Home visits are provided for patients with chronic illness and other special needs by a team of psychiatrists, nursing staff psychologists and counselors.
Meet our Experts: We are here to help you

Dr K Chandrasekhar
Consultant Psychiatrist

Dr Najamus Saquib
Consultant Psychiatrist

Samiksha Sivan
Psychologist & Dementia Care Therapist

Rithika Kamaraj
Clinical Psychologist

Clinical Psychologist
What does a Geriatric Psychiatrist do?
Geriatric psychiatrists focus on evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of mental and emotional disorders in elderly i.e above 60 years of age, and improvement of psychiatric care for healthy and ill patients.
What are the most common psychiatric illnesses in the geriatric age group?
Depression, dementia, and delirium – the ‘3 Ds’ are the most commonly occurring diagnoses in this age group.
What is a Geriatric Psychiatry evaluation?
The Geriatric assessment is a multidimensional, multidisciplinary assessment designed to evaluate an older person’s functional ability, including physical, emotional and cognitive skills.
What are the warning signs of Dementia?
What are the most common psychiatric illnesses in the geriatric age group?
Depression, dementia, and delirium – the ‘3 Ds’ are the most commonly occurring diagnoses in this age group.
- a. Memory loss affecting everyday activities
- b. Difficulty performing familiar tasks
- c. Disorientation or confusion about time, place and person
- d. Changes in personality
- e. Changes in mood and behaviour
- f. Poor or decreased judgement
- g. Difficulty in communication
- h. Frequently misplacing things
- i. Withdrawn from social life
- j. Trouble with images and spaces
What happens if we don’t treat dementia?
It is a common myth that dementia is part of ageing. If not diagnosed and treated on time, it can progress faster and the person may lose abilities to perform daily activities which will generally contribute to low quality of life. Caregiver stress and burden will increase two-fold and managing the person will become difficult.
How common is Depression in old age?
Depression is very common in the elderly, contributing to 13-17% of the geriatric population. Isolation, death of spouse, family members, chronic medical illness are common causes for depression in old age.